Field trips like the vacations, you like the idea and they are fun... but getting there and coming back in one piece can be costly. i decided that i was going to take a personal field trip to the Memphis zoo. it was very rewarding but even the african animals were retreating to shade due to the oppressing Heat (i dont mean miami's basketball hype but the outside temperature that delivered what was predicted). It was stifling. The polar bears and seals were refreshing to watch- i guess the idea of cold natured animals swimming helps combat humidity related fatigue. they seem like good natured animals- but i am thankful for the glass and fence that separated us.
watercolor on paper
Sun Bather
watercolor on paper
Signed and Sealed
watercolor on paper
sometimes you got to cut loose and just see what comes...
this is what did.
Wash this
watercolor on paper
Reminds me of soccer practice
watercolor on paper
Crossing the street
watercolor on paper
LOVE the polar bear